Our History

Mangatangi Tennis Club

ln the early 1930’s an attempt was made to establish a Tennis Club in Mangatangi. Mr. Frank Shuker even made a start with horses, plough and scoop on the present Hall site, owned by the Ratepayers Association. Unfortunately the depression of the times proved too much, and the project lapsed for want of support.

Tennis was played however on a private sealed court, and another grass court had been inexistence for some years. The war delayed any further efforts and it was not until 1948 that the Mangatangi Progress League, an Incorporated Society, formed in 1940, purchased the site of the present of the present Mangatangi Tennis Courts.

A generous response from the community in the following year resulted in three tennis courts, constructed, sealed and complete with pavilion, being available to the Tennis Club free of debt. 620 pounds was collected or donated, and all labour and equipment were lent or given free of charge.

Valiant service was given by many and the organising by Mrs. Meryle Bath and solid effort of Mr. Bob Hamilton are worth remembering. The names of Shuker and Cummings keep appearing in the records and it is no surprise that descendants of these two have figured prominently in local tennis.

The Mangatangi Tennis Club has kept going while all the surrounding clubs namely Miranda, Kaiaua, Maramarua and Mangatawhiri have long gone.

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It is interesting to note that after the courts were opened in 1949, they were first resealed in Pinhead shingle in 1957 for 158 pounds. ( $316 ). ln 1966 the courts were resealed at a cost of 232 pounds ( $464 ). The money being obtained mainly through Debentures. Jan 1978, at a cost of $3675-OO, they were resealed again. The money being raised by picking up hay. Then in Jan 1988 costing $18,942-00 and the money was obtained by a Franklin District Council loan and by Billeting.

Finally in Dec 2003 the three tennis courts were laid with Astrograss, with new fencing surrounds with wheel-away tennis nets and stands at a cost of $ 78,000-00, this time from different grants — ASB, FDC, Mangatangi School and several smaller ones.

The present tennis pavilion was placed there in 1972-73 and has served the club well.

K Banks 2004.

mangatangi tennis banner

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